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Document Workflow Automation for Contract Management

Document-Workflow-Automation-for-Contract-ManagementIs it time to get control of the contract management process with Intelligent Workflow Automation? Save money, and time by increasing efficiency and visibility!

In all industries, employees spend far too much time searching, sending, and maintaining contracts. You can stop the endless painful contract shuffle and efficiently manage contracts with precision. The teams of people we work with have struggled with moving the process quickly to meet timelines versus having control over the process to manage risk with the legal team’s input. They have also struggled with visibility of the contract terms, obligations, and expiration times; as well as information silos in their organizations and trying to keep legal language standardized to mitigate risk for the organization. The team needs to be up to date on components that can change like pricing, emerging legal language, and the fluid management of contract extensions and renewal processes.

Digitally transforming the contract management process will bring increased productivity for each person involved. One simple automated system with a standardized process will bring efficiency to the following components of contract management:

  • Version tracking
  • Contract requests and drafting
  • Review & approve from anywhere at anytime
  • Compliance & audit preparation
  • Expiration and renewal management
  • Digital signature integration

Here are the high-level value points of Contract Management automation:

  1. Simplify client requests and vendor agreement processing with an easy access forms portal and contract templates which can be expandable to a whole vendor life-cycle management system
  2. An automated, standardized process simplifies each step so users can send contracts to stakeholders for revisions with visibility to prioritize tasks and understand where the next action must take place to keep the process on track
  3. Automate the ingestion of contracts through email capture, web forms, scanning, etc. getting all documents in one system for processing
  4. Assure compliance and be audit-ready for all contracts with everything in one simple searchable system accessible anywhere, anytime
  5. Track contract versions accurately with permissible access

Efficiency is extremely important, but there is also value in having an improved understanding of your organization’s contracts and suppliers. With an automated system, you will have improved visibility so you can negotiate improved terms, and consolidate suppliers to increase discounts by leveraging your buying power.

HP-logo-May-17-2021-08-39-12-81-PMHP Capture and Route is a great example of a digital management tool that can automate the ingestion of content from multiple inputs and flow the content right into automated workflows built in an intelligent workflow software solution. We have had a lot of success with this tool as the front end of a fully integrated business workflow system. With our intelligent workflow solutions, we have multiple options of best in breed platforms and we ensure that all of the applications are agnostic so if there are changes in your environment your workflows are intact for the future.

Reach out today to learn more about how we can help with efficiency, accuracy, and give time back to your team.

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Posted in Managed Print Services, Intelligent Workflow Solutions, Contract Management, Document Workflow Automation

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